BlackBoxTV – How to Kill Big Daddy With @UncleCreepy


The second episode of BlackBoxTV‘s latest show “How to Kill” is now live and kicking. The focus of this frightful fiasco is simple: Look at some of the horror genre’s most favorite big bads and discuss the proper way of offing them.

On the chopping block today… BioShock‘s Big Daddy. Mind you, while this video is full of cool BioShock related info, it’s also very much a product of humor so it doesn’t go in-depth regarding how to actually kill a Big Daddy in the video game. You have GameFAQs for that!

Related Story: How to Kill Chucky

And yeah, before you call me on it… Yes, I meant to say “almost half a ton.” Screw you!

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Big Daddy BioShock

How to Kill



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