The Weekly Wrap-Up: July 12-18, 2008


The Weekly Wrap-Up: July 12-18, 2008

From July 12-18, 2008, these are a few stories that might have escaped your notice or slipped your mind what with the hoopla over finally getting a peek at the new Jason and the challenge of keeping up with all the latest Fantasia goings-on:

  • The week started with a bang as we presented Jack Ketchum’s “Western Dead,” the prequel to the upcoming Minions of Ka graphic novel. Get used to hearing about Ka as we’ll be watching this one very closely and bringing you regular updates.

  • When the summer doldrums hit in a couple of weeks, don’t forget about the Clu Gulager Film Festival . Running from August 27th-30th at the New Beverly Cinema in LA, the fest will feature Feast and Return of the Living Dead along with other films that just happen to be favorites of Clu.

  • We’re all hungry for news about fresh and original (i.e., non-remake and non-sequel) projects with the potential to also be genuinely scary. Take some time and read about Broken Imago. Douglas Buck and Fabrice Lambot are crafting what Buck calls, “a horror film numero-uno.” And Fabrice describes it as “extremely dark, disturbing, creepy, and shocking.” Music to the ears indeed!

  • On the flip side, in the “you gotta be kidding” category, we had reports of a possible Scream 4. Seriously, does anyone think this is a good idea — or the least bit necessary? Adding insult to injury, nostalgia favorite Monster Squad could be up next on the remake chopping block. Fuck that. In fact, let’s switch gears completely.

  • E3 2008 went down this past week, and gaming guru plagiarize was everywhere he needed to be to sift out every speck of genre info he could glean from the Web along with the Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo news conferences. Xbox 360 definitely came out on top, but even so, there are a few highlights for fans of every system.

  • The always engaging Foywonder passed along some info on a new DVD release of Oversexed Rugsuckers from Mars. I have absolutely no idea what it is, if it’s good or bad, but with a name like that, how can you resist?
  • I, on the other hand, must resist all impulses to focus energy on anything other than the upcoming San Diego Comic-Con, which Dread Central will be attending in full force. So expect lots of up-to-the-minute coverage and pictures.

    Which brings us to the Woman’s Story of the Week, the one that stood out most when looking over DC’s recent articles: Outlander’s Second Trailer Crashes to Earth.

    Vikings and aliens! Perlman and Hurt! It could be so badass! Or it could just as easily suck. We’ll all find out soon enough. In the meantime, watch and make your own prediction.

    Until next time …

    The Woman In Black

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