More Madness From the Interwebs
GoochCamper sent these two our way:
An oldie but goodie. Many of you have probably seen this clip before but it’s too funny not to share.
Hunter1006 sent us this clip that some of his friends put together. Check out the second part here.
Uncle Creepy turned me on to this case> The Enfield Poltergeist. Check out Youtube for more clips related to it.
Kung fu and zombies. How can you go wrong?
I live for these clips. There is some freaky shit online sometimes. Real or not just the sheer thought of some of these things happening can make your skin crawl.
This guy is a real “ghist” hunter dont mess with him.
The special effects are amazing…
Swords are not safe. Remember this, it may save your life.
And on that note. Some black metal.
What’s that you say? You can do better? Believe me, fiends, I have no doubt; we barely have time to spend with our loved ones let alone prowl this massive series of tubes we call the internet looking for videos. So send us your links and we’ll be sure to thank you if they’re used in upcoming editions! Oh, and try not to shill too much, okay?
Ponder how much time you spend every week watching horrible things in the Dread Central forums!