Get a Sneak Peek of True Blood Episode 7.08 – Almost Home


Get a Sneak Peek of True Blood Episode 7.08 - Almost HomeIt used to be that a clip from an upcoming “True Blood” episode was cause for celebration. Now that the show is nearing its end? Not so much. Even so, enjoy this sneak peek of Episode 7.08, “Almost Home,” and remember the glory days.

Episode 7.08 – “Almost Home” (air date 8/10/14)
With his prey in sight, Eric (Alexander Skarsgard) reconsiders his end-game strategies against Sarah (Anna Camp). Sookie (Anna Paquin) puts her life at risk in hopes of saving Bill (Stephen Moyer).

Lettie Mae (Adina Porter) and Lafayette (Nelsan Ellis) urge Reverend Daniels (Gregg Daniel) to join them in their V-fueled search for Tara (Rutina Wesley). Violet (Karolina Wydra) eyes payback against those who betrayed her, while an old love is reborn for others.

Written by Kate Barnow; directed by Jesse Warn.

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True Blood Season 7

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