Help Get Fright Night an SE!
I don’t necessarily know that these online petitions for special edition DVDs work, but they sure can’t hurt. The one thing that prevents a studio from putting out re-released SE’s of any DVD is their concern no one’ll buy it, so if they see fans clamoring for an SE of, for example, Fright Night, maybe they’ll finally make it happen.
Enter Fright Night Focus, a new site and MySpace page dedicated to getting fans to march behind ‘em on a campaign to finally give Tom Holland’s horror/comedy masterpiece Fright Night the special edition it so rightly deserves! Rob over at Icons of Fright brought it to our attention, and you can bet your ass we signed that sucker right quick! Hell, even director Tom Holland (pictured here with me at Fear Fest) gives it his seal of approval.
Check out the Fright Night Focus blog and make friends with them on MySpace and hope this whole thing does work so we can finally get rid of the insulting bare-bones DVD that’s out now…
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