Hello From Fear Fest!
Because I know you guys are dying without our regularly scheduled updates, just wanted to let you all know how the 2nd annual Fear Fest is going so far…
The wife and I got into Dallas on Thursday night, just barely missing a shit ton of flight cancellations into the city because the airport got, get this, 3 inches of snow. If that. Everyone who was coming from the West Coast were delayed, celebrities included, and needless to say there was a good amount of freaking out done. Thankfully the show itself wasn’t scheduled to start till Saturday, so no one was going to be missed immediately.
Finally Friday comes, slowly more and more people and vendors showed up, and before we knew it everyone was involved in some crisis or another. Thankfully John Gray’s crews from Pit of Horror are all really cool and easy to deal with so we worked together very well. Crisises were averted, celebs showed up, and the first screening of the night, Nightmare on Elm Street with intro by Robert Englund, John Saxon, Heather Langenkamp and Ronee Blakley went off without a hitch. And attendees got the first glimpse at the next show Pit of Horror is putting on, Fucli Fest! This thing is going to be epic for Fulci fans.
So now it’s Saturday, the line was already forming at 8:30 this morning, which is a damn good sign of a successful show. I have panels to moderate and a rock show to play tonight, so needless to say we’re going to be crazy! Also, everyone who updates the site is here at the show, so updates will be slow to say the least.
Hope you’re reading this from Dallas and we’ll see you at the show! If not, don’t plan on missing the next one; it’s going to be even bigger! And start planning now for Fulci Fest!
Wish you were here in the Dread Central forums!