Ben10’s Tentacled Monstrosity


Ben10 toys!Time for a quickie with the Last Toys on the Left! “Ben10” is an animated show on Cartoon network that’s still finding it’s audience. It’s the tale of little Ben who finds a watch looking device that transforms him into a variety of alien monstrosities, allowing him to perform super human feats, if only for 10 minutes. Get it? Ben 10? Clever kiddies over there.

The show is targeted primarily to a younger audience, as it’s dialogue and light story lines will prove, but the designs of its creatures and fairly interesting baddies have won over more than one toon-obsessed geek. Recently, the show even had a direct to TV live action movie, directed by Alex Winter (of Bill and Ted/ Freaked fame). Something tells me this show has a long life ahead of it.

Ben10 toys!So, why all the hubbub …. bub? It just so happens that the hardest to find figure from the latest series of toys based on the show is also one of the creepiest. Say hello to the 4-inch battle pose figure of Ghostfreak. With Cthulhu-like charm and sex appeal, this piece is sure to be sought after by people who will never have any clue what “Ben10” is.

A quick word for the collector; “Ben10” toys seem to be rising in popularity, which means the scalper scum are on the hunt for prime pieces. Even so, these figures from Bandai are sold in so many shops, there is no reason why you should pay scalperific prices, online or off. Get on the hunt and you’ll do just fine!

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