Just Call it LXAVHRCUZFE for Short


Click to see it bigger!“The touching story of drunken superheroes battling a seemingly unbeatable zombie menace”, that’s how filmmaker Jeffrey Ebright describes his upcoming flick The League of Extraordinary Alcoholics VS. The Horde of Really Creepy Undead Zombie Flesh Eaters. Yes, that is the actual title. I’d make a joke about it being too much to fit onto a marquee but then I’m pretty sure we all know this one will not be playing at a theater near … anyone.

Credit to Arrow in the Head for breaking the news about this film with a title that was seemingly designed for the sole purpose of eclipsing The Incredibly Strange Creatures That Stopped Living and Became Mixed-up Zombies in the ridiculously long nonsensical title department. While there is not further plot synopsis (is one even neccessary with a concept like this?) the director did post the following statement on the film’s official MySpace page:

“The League of Extraordinary Alcoholics VS The Horde of Really Creepy Undead Zombie Flesh Eaters (the OFFICIAL title) is a passion 4 years in the making. It started with a dare and has evolved into a 95 page script filled with humor, strippers, gore, violence, spandex, zombies and, of course, a LOT of alcohol. This project is an independant film (Read as VERY LOW budget) that requires bold actors and a dedicated crew. There’s no cash involved (except mine), just the promise of fun for all and maybe a little experience in the art of making a great flick with very little cash.”

The actual LXA members boast such names as: Bourban Brave, Party Girl, Rum Runner, Captain Mumble, Black Russian, White Lightning, and Dead Drunk. Yeah, something tells me the booze was flowing freely during all aspects of the production of this one. Hey, who knows; it might actually prove to be funny. Heck, I just watched a movie the other night about a satan-possessed chicken on a killing spree and it was actually sort of amusing.

Look for The League of Extraordinary Alcoholics VS. The Horde of Really Creepy Undead Zombie Flesh Eaters to be ready for action in Spring 2008. Head over to the MySpace page (If you dare!) for more info, images, and even a teaser trailer.

The Foywonder

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