Design the Ad for King’s Latest!


Design the ad for Duma Key!Ever seen an ad for an upcoming Stephen King novel and scoffed, saying to yourself, “I could do better than that!”? Well, Hodder & Stoughton, the UK publishers of King’s books, want you to put your creative talent where you mouth is.
That sounds worse than it is…

Lilja’s Library sent out a heads up this morning that the publisher is sponsoring a contest for fans to create an advertising poster for King’s upcoming novel, Duma Key, offering up all the resources you will need to be as creatively free as possible.

What’s in it for you? Well, come January 2008 they’ll use the poster that wins to advertise the book, so you’re work will be seen all throughout the UK, and both the winning and top ten entries will receive a proof copy of Duma Key with their name on the front cover!

Click here for all the details on the contest! Best of luck to anyone who decides to enter!

Johnny Butane

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