The Seen and The Unseen: Found on Mars: It Wasn’t a Rock… It Was a ROCK LIZARD!

Sorry, this isn’t an article about an updated version of The B-52’s song “Rock Lobster.” It’s about the Mars Rover and some weird pictures it took. No, really it is.
According to the blog UFO Sightings Daily, the Mars Rover took some images of rocks. While cool to us astronomy geeks, it isn’t exactly news. Mars is full of rocks. Except, one rock that may not actually be a rock. It might have been a lizard.
According to the blog, a UFO observer in Japan (is that an official title? Hmmm…) spent hours looking over photos NASA posted on its website. At first glance, the rock in one of the many photos of rocks DOES looks like a lizard. The UFO Sightings Daily believes it could either be proof of animal life on Mars or that NASA secretly launched animal life to the red planet with the Mars Rover.
Now, if you look at the picture… wait a second… that looks like… Chipper, my pet lizard that I had when I was kid!
Excuse me a second….
*Sound of Phone Dialing*
Seen and Unseen: “Mom, you told me Chipper died, but you donated him to NASA for space experiments, didn’t you??”
Mom: We never thought NASA would ACTUALLY send him to space.
*Sound of a Grown Man Crying*
Er… um… sorry… I can’t write about this anymore.
*Pours Out 40oz*

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