The Seen and The Unseen: Your Kid Talks to Spirits? Get Yourself a Bumper Sticker!

We’ve all seen bumper stickers that proclaim, “My kid is on the honor roll at H.P. Lovecraft Elementary” (not a real school, calm down). If you’re like me, your first thought is, “Yeah, and your kid is going to need therapy in ten years for not meeting your unreachable expectations.”
Be honest, though; don’t you wish you could brag about your kid to unsuspecting drivers? But, you say, all my kid does is just sit, stare at the wall and talk to an unknown friend. Well, never fear – your child might be more special than you know!
According to this article on New Jersey Online, Jason Hawes (pictured; “Ghost Hunters”) believes most kids are more open to the spirit world than adults.
“Many times, when I am contacted by someone having a paranormal situation, I am informed that their child or children are playing with invisible friends and that they talk to things that are not there,” Hawes wrote. “People want to understand why their children are doing this.”
See? Now you can you can put this on the back of your car: “My kid can talk to an 18th Century dead Revolutionary War general; what can yours do?”
Actually, we like that more than the honor roll thing. Hawes goes on to note that parents should be open-minded and not be so quick to dismiss their child’s imagination. He believes parents should nurture kids’ ability to talk to spirits…
Unless it’s the ghost of the parent you hit with your car for their obnoxious honor roll bumper sticker. That might get awkward.

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