The Vast Yeti Conspiracy

The Seen and the Unseen strives to be a beacon of journalistic integrity and to hold those in power accountable for their actions. “They” don’t want you to know many things, and dad-gum-it, we’ll show them varmints wut fer (you can tell we’re serious because we just used 1840’s prospector language) by telling you everything you need to know.
We think it’s your god-given right to be paranoid, fearful, and have drunken rants at the “guv’ment.”
To those ends, we found this piece in Slate Magazine that has been covered up, buried and marginalized. The content so shocking, so earth shattering, it will topple several major religions and governments.
Ready for this? Ready to have your life changed forever?
In 1959 the U.S. State Department and Foreign Service issued a highly secretive memo for those who wanted to go on a Yeti hunt in Nepal. What were these conditions?
– Pay a bribe
– Only take pictures and don’t kill it.
– Don’t tell anyone about it.
We smell a Yeti-sized conspiracy. We think we need Congressional hearings. We want to know what President Eisenhower knew…. Whoops, it seems the Foreign Service was just reissuing a memo given to them by the government in Nepal to help solidify diplomatic relations. Um… maybe we should cancel those Congressional meetings.
On second thought, it seems that Yeti was a bit of diva; no photographs, paying money just for a sighting and no paparazzi. Did the U.S. government fund and aide Yeti’s diva-like nature? To what end? To stop the commies?
The letter writing campaign begins now…. Tell me what you think about the U.S. government’s attempt to hide Yeti from the world. We think it makes Roswell look like child’s play, don’t you?

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