The Human Centipede 3: Final Sequence – First Casting News and Location Details

Bloody Disgusting
Hot on the heels of yesterday’s news that at least part of The Human Centipede 3: Final Sequence will be shooting in Los Angeles, the first casting news and location details have hit the interwebs. Read on for details.
Bloody Disgusting is reporting that Tom Six’s The Human Centipede 3: Final Sequence will take place in a prison. Six said earlier he wanted to go for a 500-person ‘pede, and given the setting, yeah, lots of potential victims. In terms of casting news Robert LaSardo (pictured), Abraham Rubio, and William Guirola are said to be portraying inmates. They join the previously announced Dieter Laser and Laurence R. Harvey, who played the mad scientists in HC1 and HC2, respectively.
Director Six promises that the American finale will be 100% politically incorrect. Shooting officially kicks off today for a 2014 release via IFC Films.
More soon!
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