Deadpool Rolls Out Its Pre-order Incentives

Deadpool is set to arrive for the Xbox 360, PS3 and PC on June 25th. Now is the time to pre-order the game via Best Buy, Steam and GameStop to reap the rewards. Some of the incentives include a $5 voucher for any Marvel comic, the Merc with a Map Pack DLC and much more!
From the Press Release
EVERY DAY on social media I hear it. People stop me on the street just to ask it. “Show me the DEADPOOL videogame marketing!” they demand. “Buzzword the crap outta me!” They want info on retail drivers. They’re all about how I’m incentivizing early adoption. And they freakin’ demand insight on how I’m monetizing my user base.
Well, OKAY. I hear you! Allow me to rest and purchase groceries uninterrupted once more as I establish a new paradigm by unveiling these tantalizing pre-order bonuses for DEADPOOL from the following participating retailers:
Best Buy
Steam & GameStop PC Download
Alright…that’s all the news for today. Deadpool’s gonna go pay a stranger now to pre-order HIS bonus if you know wh—ahh forget it. DEADPOOL is expected to release in North America on June 25, 2013 for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC via Steam. It is rated “M” (Mature) by the ESRB.
To learn more, visit the official Deadpool website.

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