The Seen and The Unseen: Man Saved from Being a Zombie by His Boss

Welcome to the new, improved real paranormal section on Dread Central. We’re calling it “The Seen and The Unseen.” We’re going to try to give you the best, the weirdest and the strangest of the paranormal news on the Internet.
So, without further explanation, shall we begin?
Do you like zombies? Yeah, most of you do. Personally, I think the old zombie stories from Voodoo folklore are way scarier than the “scientific” zombies dominating popular culture nowadays (shakes his cane at the damned Romero kids on the lawn).
Imagine my delight, then, when I came across this news item from The Daily Telegraph (Via Live Science) about a guy who “rose” from his coffin at his own funeral.
Friends and family of Brighton Zanthe thought he died from a possible bad case of the flu. As friends and family started to file past the coffin at the funeral, Brighton started to move his leg. His boss is the one who noticed. Here is a direct quote from the article:
“I was the first to notice Zanthe’s moving legs as I was in the queue to view his body,” said one of the mourners, Lot Gaka, who employs the man at his transport company. “This shocked me. We called an ambulance immediately. It’s a miracle and people are still in disbelief.”
Imagine the arguments those two will have at work from now on. “I saved you from being buried alive; can’t you at least give me two hours of overtime?”
Turns out the poor guy wasn’t “quite dead yet,” which happens when a doctor doesn’t declare someone “fully” and not “mostly” dead. The article from Live Science explains how humans used to test for death and how it often didn’t work. This often resulted in people being buried alive and waking up in less desirable circumstances than our friend Zanthe from Zimbabwe.
Zanthe says he feels “fine” and is going to enjoy life more.
One would hope…..
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