Three Graves Full of Horror on its Way

Things just have a way of happening, man. You meet someone. You kill them. You bury them in your yard. Sometimes no good can come from engaging in human contact. That’s why we try to never leave the Dread Central offices.
Deadline reports that Wall Street and W scribe Stanley Weiser has optioned the Jamie Mason novel Three Graves Full, and he plans to write the script himself.
The book, published by Simon & Schuster’s Gallery Books, follows a mild-mannered guy who happens to kill somebody he wishes he’d never met and buries the body in his backyard. Just as he’s learning to live with the undeniable reality of what he’s done, police unearth two bodies on his property – neither of which the hapless killer buried. His sanity threatens to unravel, snagged on the agendas of a colorful cast of characters.
More on this one as we… um… dig it up? *rimshot*

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