Dread Central Choice Cut: Bio Brings the Chills with My Haunted House

Given the popularity of shows like “Ghost Adventures” and “The Dead Files” (who have earned and deserve the adulation and their spots at the top of the horror TV heap), we’ve been inundated with paranormal-themed shows. The bad part? Most suck, but every now and again…
We recently had a chance to take in a couple of episodes of the new show “My Haunted House,” which airs on the Biography channel every Saturday night at 10/9c, and believe us when we say it’s well worth your watch and is head and shoulders above the now standard amateur-ghost-hunter-who-fawns-over-every-orb crap. Speaking of which, if you’re gonna show us an orb as your “proof,” it had better be a pretty damned impressive one. Lord, how we hate those things.
Anyway, here’s the show’s official description courtesy of the “My Haunted House” Bio page.
The shocking eyewitness accounts of terrified people whose dream homes have become nightmares are brought to life in vivid, blood-curdling style on “MY HAUNTED HOUSE.” Told via gripping first-person interviews and strikingly crafted re-enactments, each episode of this nerve-wracking new series tells two compelling horror stories of people literally living in terror.
Set your DVRs, kids! This is a 60 minutes of ghostly goodness! Check out previews of the first two episodes (which you can watch in their entirety on the website by clicking the above link) below.
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