Can You Help The Internet Uncover What This Maggot-Infested Horror Movie Is?

Seems as though a Redditor has stumped the front page of the Internet. User Drax207 is asking for help figuring out a movie from which they only remember certain moments. After Google failed to inform them, they turned to Reddit, and many of us are scratching our heads trying to figure it out.
The biggest clue to the movie is a bathtub of maggots which is enough to make our skin crawl. It should also stand out enough to help make finding the movie easier. At least, you would think so. Right now, the only title ruled out so far has been Slither, and even we at Dread Central are finding ourselves stumped.
The post describes the movie as “a man inside a dilapidated haunted house. The house is not isolated, I’m almost certain it’s located in an urban setting. I remember the movie being pretty grim aesthetically, and I remember it having an early 2000 horror flick vibe.”
Read the Full Reddit Post Below
We pulled up an IMDB list with the keyword maggots. Quite a few movies have added maggots into food like The Lost Boys and Valentine. We also see a lot of maggots in Giallo films, but a bathtub full seems excessive even for that subgenre. More importantly, when looking at the rest of the clues in the Reddit post, this puzzle becomes that much more difficult.
The dilapidated haunted house has us combing through supernatural hauntings pre-The Conjuring. However, the possible teleportation mentioned in the post gives us big Insidious vibes. Which is another movie that doesn’t fit the riddle that is going to cost us sleep and stress us out.
We also need to know if this barking dog lives. Is it really an early aughts movie? Or does it just feel like? Also, why a bathtub of maggots? The questions are endless and we need to find this movie to have closure!
Do you have the answer to this maggot-filled mystery? Then let me know at @misssharai. You should also let the Reddit community know so we can all know peace again.
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