Behind-the-Scenes Look at the True Blood Season 6 Premiere; New Artwork Unveiled

HBO has unveiled some new artwork for the sixth season of “True Blood,” and we have a look at it right here along with a behind-the-scenes peek at Stephen Moyer directing his off-screen spouse, Anna Paquin, in the premiere episode.
The photo appears in this week’s Entertainment Weekly, who provided the following info on the upcoming Episode 6.01, airing June 16h:
The story picks up immediately after last year’s bloody finale, which found Sookie (Paquin) and Eric (Alexander Skarsgard) attempting to escape a very scary–and very naked–Bill (Moyer). “I’m really Method,” Moyer joked, “so I did the whole [shoot] naked.”
Joining the “True Blood” regulars this year are guest stars Rutger Hauer, Arliss Howard, Jurnee Smollett-Bell, Karolina Wydra, Luke Grimes, and Amelia Rose Blaire.
Related Story: First “True Blood” Season 6 Teaser Hints at the Beginning of the End

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