TNA Superstar Hernandez Ready to Spread the Red with Slash

Hump Day already? Thank you, week, for getting a move on! Let’s keep things rocking and rolling with your first word and look at the sales art for the upcoming flick Slash. The title alone has already won us over!
Written, produced, and directed by Rycke Foreman, Slash stars TNA star Shawn Hernandez and Maria Olsen (who also serves as producer; The Lords of Salem, Paranormal Activity 3, “American Horror Story”). For more information check out the Slash website. Lora Carlson and Myss Miranda Foreman serve as producers on the project. Production begins late June in New Mexico.
Cade just wants a “normal” life–to find a girlfriend, get through college, and pursue a career in theater–but his tempestuous step-brother Trench has darker ideas. Trench drags Cade though increasingly violent fantasies as a series of real-world murders occur, and the cast members of the theater group start dropping like flies. Cade’s inability to stand up to Trench culminates in a killer, drug-fueled party, where Cade must face his demons, or die trying…

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