Trailer and Distro News for iPhone-Shot Indie Film To Jennifer

In conjunction with Psykik Junky Pictures releasing the first official trailer for its new found footage film To Jennifer, filmed entirely on the iPhone 5, the company announced the flick will be available later this year in its entirety as a stand-alone app in the iTunes App Store.
You’ll be able to download To Jennifer directly to your mobile device. The app will include not only the film but also some special features, much like a DVD would. A price point has not yet been set, but writer/director James Cullen Bressack promises to keep the cost low. A DVD release is also in the works for the film in the future.
“This film was made specifically for the iPhone,” states Bressack. “I am fortunate to have worked with so many amazing people on this project, and I think this is a new and unique way to watch and distribute a film. It’s never been done before.”
To Jennifer stars Chuck Pappas, Jody Barton (Hate Crime), and Bressack and features a cameo from American Mary‘s Tristan Risk. The film was produced by Bressack, Pappas, and Jarret Cohen under the Psykik Junky Pictures umbrella.
Joey suspects his girlfriend of two years, Jennifer, is cheating on him. He is so convinced that he enlists the help of his cousin Steven to create a video diary of his attempt to catch her in the act as well as to document the heartbreak she is putting him through. He intends to give this tape to her after catching her in an attempt to make her feel guilty.

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