Cleanse Your Palate with this Preview of Hannibal Episode 1.07 – Sorbet

We’re at mid-season on “Hannibal” so it’s time to clear out our taste buds a bit with some “Sorbet” before delving into the sure to be complex and varied flavors to come in the remaining episodes. Check out a preview of next week’s Episode 1.07, featuring guest star Gillian Anderson.
“Hannibal” Episode 1.07 – “Sorbet” (airs 5/9/13)
WILL HAS NIGHTMARES OF HIMSELF AS A KILLER WHILE HANNIBAL SEES A THERAPIST OF HIS OWN AND BEGINS HIS SEDUCTION OF ALANA – When the BAU investigates a murder involving organ removal, Jack (Laurence FIshburne) believes that the Chesapeake Ripper may have resurfaced, but Will (Hugh Dancy) determines that the victim’s murder is the result of an illegal organ harvesting accident.
Meanwhile, Will suffers from nightmares where he is Abigail’s father, and Hannibal (Mads Mikkelsen) slowly starts to seduce Alana Bloom (Caroline Dhavernas) and begins to visit his own therapist, Dr. Bedelia Du Maurier (Gillian Anderson). Also starring Hettienne Park, Aaron Abrams, and Scott Thompson.
“Hannibal” airs Thursday nights at 10pm on NBC. For more info visit “Hannibal” on, “like” “Hannibal” on Facebook, and follow “Hannibal” on Twitter.

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