More Grimm Creature Profiles: Meet the Raub-Kondor and the Gluhenvolk

It looks like putting “Grimm” on Tuesday was a good move for NBC as the show got a nice boost in the ratings. At the same time we humans got a possible explanation for alien sightings! Read on for more details and a look at the Wesen known as the Raub-Kondor and the Gluhenvolk.
Per TV by the Numbers, the 10-11PM Tuesday timeslot premiere of “Grimm” scored a 2.0 adults 18-49 rating, up a big 54% from last Friday’s 1.3 and up 100% from “Ready for Love”’s 1.0 from last week. It was “Grimm”’s highest rated episode since October 26, 2012.
Now, as for that alien thing, in last night Episode 2.19, “Endangered,” we met the Gluhenvolk, an extremely rare reptilian creature that is hunted for its luminescent skin. In this case its pursuer was a fierce, black-feathered creature known as a Raub-Kondor. Because of their appearance, Gluhenvolk are often misidentified by humans as aliens from another planet. Check out the videos profiling the Gluhenvolk and Raub-Kondor below, and be sure to tune in next week for Episode 2.20, “Kiss of the Muse.”
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