Fear Consumes You in the First Trailer for The Red

Official The Red Website
Sometimes you watch a trailer, and within its short runtime it manages to convey everything you need to make you want to see the film. Such is the case with Borderline Films’ The Red. Get ready for the most unsettling thirty seconds you’ll have all day!
Borderline Films is a directing trio comprised of Antonio Campos, Sean Durkin, and Josh Mond, and their film The Red is beginning a limited theatrical run this week. Amy Northup and Marisa Parry star.
Make sure to keep an eye on the Face The Red website for showtimes and theatre listings. I know we will. While you’re at it, follow FaceTheRed on Twitter too.
Kate just graduated college, started a new job, and is moving into a new apartment with her best friend, Clara. Everything seems to be going just fine. But things soon come to a halt. Her world is suddenly filled with a paralyzing sense of anxiety and dread. Something has changed, and it’s gnawing at her. She’s become prey to a world filled with suffocating, terrorizing paranoia. The Red is about a life plagued with overwhelming dread and fear. It’s a thriller about the things we can’t outrun in life, the terrors we can’t escape but have to face.
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