The Scream Factory to Celebrate Vincent Price

The Scream! Factory on Facebook
And the sky opened, the heavens parted, and an angel has just started singing. Yep, that’s just about how we feel about this latest bit of news which was just announced via The Scream Factory Facebook page…
If you love VINCENT PRICE like we do then you’re gonna love love LOVE this exciting news! We will be releasing a Blu-ray collection box set before Halloween that showcases some of the legendary horror film star’s greatest films which include…
More details (artwork, exact street date, pricing, extras, etc.) to be revealed in June-July so stay tuned you “Screamers”–as one of our fans affectionately put it.
You know what this means, right? It’s time to bust out our trusty Impromptu Rapid Irish Jig of Joy and Mirthâ„¢ video!
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