Bloodz Vs. Wolvez Could This Be The Worst Premise… Ever?

Bloodz vs. Wolvez – the ultimate showdown between supernatural street gangs with double-meaning names that end in “z”.
“Prepare for the ultimate battle of evil when two rival supernatural gangs wage war on the streets of New York City. The Bloodz are affluent vampires who rule downtown – controlling real estate, blood banks and financial institutions. The Wolvez are the werewolves who rule the night in the New York’s upper ghetto. Now, it’s a battle to the death to determine who will run the city in the day, the night, and for all eternity…”
Lionsgate will be releasing Bloodz vs. Wolvez to DVD on September 12th and I must admit that I rather want to see this one just for the sheer cheese factor. How bad could Bloodz vs. Wolvez be? Credit for the film’s existence goes to a fellow by the name Z. Winston Brown. Z. Winston Brown… Why does that name sound so familiar?
Z. Winston Brown?
Oh, dear God…
Z. Winston Brown – the director of… Zombiez.
On the plus side, Bloodz vs. Wolvez cannot possibly be worse than Zombiez. It can’t right? Right?
– The Foywonder