Moore, Joel David (Hatchet)
Remember the days when slasher films used to rock? Back when violence and mayhem equaled fun instead of resembling a bad WB television show? On September 7th, 2007 prepare for the slasher subgenre to return to bloody form as Adam Green’s Hatchet (review here) is unleashed upon theatres courtesy of Anchor Bay!
If you’re as sick of PG-13 drivel as you say you are — then this is it, kids! The real fucking deal. Not a remake, not a sequel, and not based on a Japanese one!
Grandma’s Boy, no more! Click below to dig on our exclusive interview with Joel David Moore as we wax philosophic on slasher films and why nudity plus Zippo lighters can be a bad thing. Lock up the kids! It’s time for another Dread Central podcast!
As you’re listening, be sure to join the Hatchet Army on MySpace now, and while you’re at it, visit Hatchet‘s official site here, befriend the depraved on Hatchet‘s MySpace page here, and visit Dread Central’s Hatchet archive here.
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