Enter The BLACK MANSION! Heather Buckey & Elise Salomon Launching Inclusive Studio for Horror Filmmakers

Black Mansion

Prolific horror producer Heather Buckley and producer/filmmaker Elise Salomon are launching a new studio: Black Mansion Films!

Heather Buckley

Black Mansion will explore the genre as a potent vehicle for visionary and provocative storytelling through features, series, and documentaries. Their focus is to present new voices that are boldly cinematic, deeply personal and prestigious. Upcoming projects are in the works with John McNaughton, Chris Todd, and Lucky McKee.

“This is the first of what I hope will be many opportunities for the community to engage with the content on my slate at the earliest stages of development,” Buckley explains on the studio’s Go Fund Me page. “The objective is two-fold. I want to introduce these titles and begin to generate interest and conversation, as well as raise very small amounts of funding to cover The Black Mansion’s overhead costs for packaging as I take these projects out to equity investors.”

The initial slate of projects includes: a supernatural creeper steeped in Celtic mythology, Inside (written and directed by Elise Salomon); a demonic possession horror Man of God (directed and co-written by Chris Todd); a violent punk-rock/gang saga Needle Drop (written and directed by Sam Ashurst); a revenge/hitman horror, Nausea (directed by Lucky McKee); a homesteader horror set in the 1800s, Good Land (written and directed by Avra Fox Lerner); a techno-horror, Offline (written and directed by Darrow McComas), a surreal psychological horror, Cherished (written and directed by Eric Thirteen), a slacker horror, No Fun (directed and co-written by John McNaughton), and; a satanic western-horror called (fittingly) Satanic Western.

“We believe in the power of film to bring together communities and help express the universal,” says Buckley. “We apply our creative sensibilities, deep roots in the genre community, and extensive marketing experience to provide a home in which projects can thrive.

“The door is open and the light is on: all are welcome to The Black Mansion!”

Black Mansion is seeking $4,000 in order to complete a budget and finance plan; you can contribute to this worthy cause and find out more about the studio/projects, HERE.

Does Black Mansion Films sound like a studio you can get behind? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! You can also carry on the convo with me personally on Twitter @josh_millican.



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