Baquero, Ivana (Pan’s Labyrinth) Audio
When you finally get to see Guillermo del Toro’s latest masterpiece, Pan’s Labyrinth (opening in select cities today, wide on January 19th), and once you get past the amazing creature effects done to actor Doug Jones (listen to our interview with him here), you’ll likely notice the incredible acting skills of young star Ivana Baquero.
Only 12 years old when she made the film, the young actress steals the show in every scene playing the troubled Ofelia, who is forced to take up residence with her wicked stepfather, Captain Vidal, near the end of the Spanish Civil War. As her real life becomes more and more terrible for her, she retreats deeper into the fantasy world discovered in the labyrinth found on the grounds of the Captain’s estate.
Baqureo is the very definition of wise beyond her years, so when Sean Clark got the chance to sit in with her for a roundtable discussion of the movie, we had to share the auditory experience with you. Click here or on the graphic below to hear it (Clark is the first to ask a question, in case you’re curious)!
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