TRAIN TO BUSAN: PENINSULA Snags $21M Opening Weekend

Yeon Sang-ho’s Korean zombie thriller Peninsula (aka Train To Busan Presents: Peninsula) snagged $20.82M at the box-office this weekend.
$750K of that came from IMAX and – with other films playing globally – helped the service have its first $1M global weekend since mid-March.
Train To Busan Presents: Peninsula played in five Asian markets including Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Singapore. It will add Thailand, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Cambodia in the coming weeks.
The movie hits North American via Well Go on August 7th.
Peninsula picks up four years after the original and centers on Jung-seok a soldier who previously escaped the diseased wasteland, and relives the horror when assigned to a covert operation with two simple objectives: retrieve and survive. When his team unexpectedly stumbles upon survivors, their lives will depend on whether the best — or worst — of human nature prevails in the direst of circumstances.
Are you excited to finally see the flick? Make sure to let us know what you think in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!
