A Trailer Delves Into The Horrors Of THE SUPERDEEP

While it initially slipped under our radar, the trailer for the upcoming Russian monster movie The Superdeep is now online and can be viewed in the player below. The film takes place in an isolated scientific outpost, so you’ll definitely be reminded of The Thing when you watch the trailer.

Known as Kolskaya Sverhglubokaya in its native Russian, the plot of The Superdeep focuses on a research team who are dispatched to the Kola Superdeep Borehole to investigate strange noises coming from within its depths, but what they discover is far more terrifying than anything they could possibly have imagined. And to make matters worse, the research team may have just unleashed whatever was sealed inside the Borehole upon the world.

The Superdeep was directed by Arseny Syuhin, and stars Milena Radulovic, Nikita Dyuvbanov, Vadim Demchog, Ilya Ilinykh, and Nikita Dyuvbanov. According to Variety, it had an estimated production budget of $4 million, and while that’s not much by blockbuster standards, it still means we should be in for some impressive visual effects.

XYZ Films have secured North American distribution rights for The Superdeep, although a US release date has yet to be finalised. On the other hand, it will open in Russian cinemas on September 17, 2020, so Russian viewers don’t have long to wait before they find out about the horrors sealed within the Kola Superdeep Borehole.



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