Matt Ryan Wants to Return As Constantine in HBO’s JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK

Laedt month we passed along word that HBO Max and J.J. Abrams are teaming up for a new series set in the universe of Justice League Dark. And today Constantine actor Matt Ryan says he wants to return as the Hellblazer for the new series.

He tells Den of Geek: “I find a lot of the time they don’t use the same actors in the TV show as the movie. Now sometimes that’s understandable. It’s all about tone and audience, all these different factors. But when that movie was gonna go ahead, I called my agent. I said, ‘Listen, I know that they probably won’t use the TV actor in the movie.’ But I said, ‘All I would like is just get me in the room because I’m not a TV actor, I’m an actor’… Then if they don’t want me for the role that’s their choice. But I would be very disappointed if a project like that went ahead without even sitting down and seeing what I could do with the material.”

He adds: “Even though the material is different and I know that I’m gonna have to adhere to the material in my head, I have to stay in that world of John Constantine and all of those comics that I love. So even though I have to dance to these different tunes, that’s what I want to think about, and that’s what I fell in love with. Whatever happens, John Constantine is a great character. I have no right to this character, no ownership over him. I’m an actor! How many people play Hamlet or Macbeth? I feel lucky to have played him, but there’s a part of me artistically that wants to dive into a part of John that I want to explore, and hopefully, that opportunity comes!

Would you like to see Matt Ryan return as Constantine in Justice League Dark? Let us know in the comments below or over on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!

Justice League Dark will be executive produced by Abrams and Ben Stephenson. Rachel Rusch Rich is a co-executive producer. Warner Bros. Television will produce, while Warner Bros. International Television Distribution will be the distributor.



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