French Horror Flick THE THING BEHIND THE DOOR Now in Post-Production

French production company Phase 4 Productions announced today that Fabrice Blin’s first feature film La Chose Derriere La Porte (The Thing Behind the Door) is now in post-production. Check out the film’s poster and a couple “first look” images below.

La Chose Derriere La Porte tells the story of Adèle, a youg woman who’s literally haunted by the death of her husband, killed in a trench during World War One. Desperate and unable to face this tragic loss, Adèle turns to black magic in the hope to bring her lover back. The miracle will happen, but Adèle will have to pay the price for opening this Pandora Box.
Fabrice Blin has previously directed several short films, the latter being Mandragore (2011) which toured all the major genre film festivals, and the documentary feature Super 8 Madness (2014), both produced by Metaluna Productions. Fabrice Lambot, who owned Metaluna Productions, has partnered with Pierre-Marcel Blanchot in 2019 to create a new production company, Phase 4 Productions, with La Chose Derrière La Porte being the first feature produced by the company. La Chose Derrière La Porte stars David Doukhan and Séverine Ferrer. The film will target the 2021 festival circuit. A teaser will soon be available.
What do you think of the poster and images for La Chose Derrière La Porte? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! You can also carry on the convo with me personally on Twitter @josh_millican.