Today, premiere merch slingers Mondo release new posters, pins, and apparel from the immortally iconic worlds of Joss Whedon’s Buffy the Vampire Slayer and John Carpenter’s Big Trouble in Little China. Check out what’s available below and shop now at The Drop. 

First up, let’s head into the Hellmouth with the first poster for Buffy the Vampire Slayer by artist Sara Deck. Mondo tells us, “We’re huge fans of Joss Whedon’s brilliant series and are proud to continue loudly singing its praises with this poster for the excellent Season One finale, ‘Prophecy Girl’.” 

“Buffy is often boiled down to the pretty girl in the cute outfit that kicks all kinds of ass,” says Decker, “but she represents so much more than that. She is an angsty teen, a loving and loyal friend, and a self-sacrificing, yet flawed, hero. SMG’s Buffy holds a very special place in my heart and is still my favourite superhero to this day.

“The finale of Season 1, ‘Prophecy Girl,’ remains a pivotal moment for Buffy. She is finally ready to face The Master, and despite knowing that her death has been prophesied, she is willing to sacrifice herself for the greater good. In this episode, she discovers a well of strength and resilience within her far greater than she knew she had. Here she has truly embraced her destiny as THE SLAYER, and that was really important for me to capture with this poster.”

That pivotal moment from ‘Prophecy Girl’ has also been succinctly captured in this new stained glass-styled enamel pin by Transylvanian illustrator Xul1349. His stunning design highlights Buffy in her most saintly sacrifice with The Master placed below her stake. The die-cut tombstone packaging is the icing on this incredibly well-executed cake.

In addition to their Buffy offerings, today brings two new Big Trouble in Little China items, starting with a new poster by the always amazing Rich Kelly. Rich continues to be one of Mondo’s absolute favorite artists around, and they’re overjoyed anytime they get to work with him on a new project. This poster for John Carpenter’s tough guy classic is no exception. 

Big Trouble in Little China holds a special place in my heart,” Kelly tells us. “From the head-scratching lines of dialogue delivered by an in-his-prime Kurt Russel to the terrifying, mystical ancient sorcerer Lo Pan, it’s one of the all-timers. I wanted to showcase Jack Burton in all of his glory: the tank top, the boots, the weapons, the eagerness to mix it up (even if he really has no clue what he’s doing.) I also wanted to highlight the guy who actually does all of the hard work, Wang Chi.”

Finally, here’s what ol’ Jack Burton always wears at a time like this. Paige Reynolds of Phantom City Creative has a particular eye for clever design, and her new illustration for Big Trouble is no exception. She’s taken Jack Burton’s infamous tank-top design and added an ingenious twist – swapping out the nameless character for his greatest foe, Lo Pan! The faithful rendering, touch of texture, and muted color palette give this shirt the feel of a well-loved artifact from the 1980s.

Are you a fan of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and/or Big Trouble in Little China? What do you think of this killer new merch from Mondo? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! You can also carry on the convo with me personally on Twitter @josh_millican.



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