Karl Urban Would Still Love To Make DREDD 2

Dredd star Karl Urban was at this past weekend’s C2E2 and said he’d still like to make Dredd 2.
Urban tells Comicbook.com: “Listen, I would love to make it, I’m on the record saying that a bunch of times. I don’t know if that’s gonna happen. I think that the guys that own the rights to Dredd, Rebellion, I think they’re developing something called ‘Mega-City One’ and it would just be great to see more Dredd, whether it’s with me or not, it doesn’t matter. I’m a fan of Dredd and there are so many great stories there. I’d love to see them. And I have no doubt that, someday, someone will make it. It’s just a matter of time.”
How bad do YOU want to see Karl Urban play Judge Dredd again? And if not Urban, who would you like to see don the helmet next? Let us know below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!
Rated R for strong bloody violence, language, drug use, and some sexual content, the original film followed this synopsis: Mega-City One is a vast, violent metropolis where felons rule the streets. The only law lies with cops called “judges,” who act as judge, jury, and executioner, and Dredd is one of the city’s most feared. One day, Dredd is partnered with Cassandra, a rookie with powerful psychic abilities. A report of a terrible crime sends Dredd and Cassandra to a dangerous area controlled by Ma-Ma, a drug lord who will stop at nothing to protect her empire.
The film sports a 79% approval rating over on Rotten Tomatoes with a Critics Consensus that reads: Fueled by bombastic violence and impressive special effects, rooted in self-satire and deadpan humor, Dredd 3D does a remarkable job of capturing its source material’s gritty spirit.
