New Indie Game Block Zombies Hungry for Attention

Block Zombies is a new Xbox indie game that is available now from the developers at Nostatic Software. Because, you know, the only thing more frightening than zombies are zombies made out of blocks.
Block Zombies allows you to play as a lone survivor after some strange crystalline structures have turned the entire population into mindless zombie killing machines. Luckily, this lone survivor is well-equipped to handle this situation, and I do mean equipped!
You will have a variety of guns and other weapons at your disposal, and you will need to utilize your full arsenal if you ever hope to send the zombies back to the blocky hell they came from. Weapons can be upgraded during the game to make the zombie slaying that much simpler and fun.
You can visit the Block Zombies website for more info, and you can download the free trial or full version of the game right now from the game marketplace or by visiting the Block Zombies page. The ever popularMinecraft has infected the minds of gamers and paved a whole new way for games such as Block Zombies. Only one question remains before fighting a horde of flesh eating zombies: “Where is my pickaxe?”
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