Does Andy Serkis Deserve a Best Supporting Actor Nod? This Video Should Help You Decide!

Andy Serkis is single-handedly creating a new art form. The man who portrayed Gollum in the Lord of the Rings films, Kong in King Kong (’05) and most recently Caesar in Rise of the Planet of the Apes (Blu-ray/DVD review here) has brought CGI performance to a new level.
Now the question is being asked: Has Serkis elevated the status of the CGI performer enough that he deserves a nod for Best Supporting Actor when the Academy Award nominations are announced next Tuesday? We’ve got a video that might help you decide.
Thanks to our friends at Hitfix, we have a video to share with you that shows Serkis performing before the CGI effects were added. In this emotional scene Caesar’s adopted human father, Will (James Franco), is leaving him behind, much to the ape’s dismay. Fox is pushing for Serkis to earn the nomination, which would obviously be the first ever for a motion capture performance. It wouldn’t hurt to show this video to the Academy, illustrating just how much effort and physicality went into Serkis’ performance.
Take a look at the side-by-side performances (the video contains Serkis’ performances both before and after the CGI was added) and let us know what you think. Is this performance Academy Award worthy?

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