Joe Hollow’s Disciples Packing a Horror-Heavy Cast

Official Desciples Website
Just hitting our desks today is a little indie flick that’s packing quite a punch casting-wise, and if you’re into diggin’ on a veritable who’s who of horror ensemble, look no further than Joe Hollow’s Disciples.
Not much is known about the flick at this time; however, the logline reads as follows: It has been written that an angel would be risen to usurp the emperor Lucifer. If this angel were to be given life, Lucifer would no longer be what God now fears.
Okay, a demon scarier than big red? Color us intrigued. We’ll dig up more on this one as soon as we can.
Disciples stars Linnea Quigley, Brinke Stevens, Tony Todd, Angus Scrimm, Bill Moseley, Camden Toy, Debbie Rochon, Nick Principe, and a lot more. Hit the link at the bottom of this story for the whole enchilada.

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