Dark Horse and Radical Entertainment Teaming for Comic Series that Bridges Prototype and Prototype 2

Dark Horse Comics
Hot on the heels of our recent interview with Radical Entertainment’s Design Director Matt Armstrong comes the news that Radical, the creator of Prototype 2, and Dark Horse Comics, the leading publisher of gaming comics and graphic novels, have joined forces to create an all-new comic series set in the Prototype universe.
With the game due out April 24, 2012, from Activision Publishing, Inc., fans looking for a jumpstart at getting a deeper look into the world of Prototype 2 should keep an eye out for this exciting collaboration launching February 15, 2012, which bridges the enigmatic conclusion of the original Prototype and the action-packed beginning of Prototype 2.
The all-new digital comic series will be broken into three original stories: The first entry, The Anchor, illustrated by Paco Diaz, continues the story of Alex Mercer, the protagonist from the first game, while the second story, The Survivors, illustrated by Chris Staggs, follows a small group of residents of New York trying to escape the city after it has been transformed into NYZ with the outbreak of the Blacklight virus. The third and final story, illustrated by Victor Drujiniu, is titled The Labyrinth and provides fans a deeper look into the backstory of Prototype 2‘s new protagonist, Sgt. James Heller. Each comic in the series will be available at Digital.Darkhorse.com every other week beginning February 15, 2012.
“We’re always looking for meaningful ways to expand the PROTOTYPE universe, and Dark Horse Comics is an industry-leading creative powerhouse delivering best-in-class graphic storytelling that integrates deeply to the core of our IP,” said Ken Rosman, Studio Head, Radical Entertainment. “With this partnership, our fans will finally be given answers to some dramatic loose ends from the first PROTOTYPE game, as well as the truth behind Alex Mercer’s descent and evolution into a twisted shadow of his former self for PROTOTYPE 2.”
“Sgt. James Heller’s heart-wrenching backstory meshed with the sheer amount of over-the-top shape-shifting action in PROTOTYPE 2 lend themselves perfectly to a comic book series,” said Dave Marshall, Editor, Dark Horse Comics. “We worked extremely close with Radical Entertainment’s story team for PROTOTYPE 2 and can’t wait to visually walk fans through the many dark secrets strewn throughout the tattered world of New York Zero!”
The sequel to Radical Entertainment’s best-selling open-world action game of 2009, Prototype 2 takes the unsurpassed carnage of the original Prototype and continues the experience of becoming the ultimate shape-shifting weapon. As the game’s all-new infected protagonist, Sgt. James Heller, players will cut a bloody swathe through the wastelands of post-viral New York Zero with unparalleled locomotion, building up a vast genetic arsenal of deadly, biological weapons and abilities as they hunt, kill, and consume their way toward the ultimate goal – to kill… Alex… Mercer!
For more follow Radical/Prototype 2 on Twitter and visit the official Prototype 2 website for the latest trailers, screenshots, special promotions and more! And for the truly dedicated, join the Prototype Army on Facebook – a community of over 360,000 (and growing) fans that receive constant updates from the team at Radical and early sneak peeks at new information and assets.

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