Festival Trailer for Found Footage Phenom Known as Upper

A few months ago we were sent information about a viral video that had surfaced which may or may not have been real. Almost immediately all sorts of odd reports began surfacing. Apparently a YouTube video appeared earlier this year which showed a girl overdosing while her friends stood around and jeered her. Now the word is that before this video surfaced, an extortion plot was hatched to get some scratch out of the people involved in the scene (which resulted in the girl’s death).
No one would pony up the dough so parts of the 393 minutes of footage began leaking online… enter Quentin Tarantino.
The story goes that Tarantino bought the footage and planned on releasing it as a film entitled Upper. Initially he was allegedly going to make a film based on the entire story with actual footage sprinkled in. Then he was just going to release the footage as-is.
For more on all of this confusion, check out our original story on Upper here. Or just check out the new festival trailer below, which brings you up-to-speed quite nicely. Clocking in at nearly seven minutes, it ought to. It’s also been announced that Upper will play only a single time in Park City, Utah later this month outside of the Sundance Film Festival.
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