World War Z to Be a Trilogy?

The LA Times,0,4537017.story
Bringing World War Z to the big screen has been a story unto itself. Everything from budget concerns to actual S.W.A.T. teams seizing firearms has haunted the production thus far, but it’s still plugging away and may be doing so for two additional films. Read on for the details.
In a recent interview with The LA Times star Brad Pitt dropped the following on eager fans…
[Director Marc] Forster and Paramount Pictures each view “World War Z” as a trilogy that would have the grounded, gun-metal realism of, say, Damon’s Jason Bourne series tethered to the unsettling end-times vibe of AMC’s “The Walking Dead.”
While that’s far from rock solid confirmation, it’s still food for thought.
The novel is set 10 years after a global zombie epidemic and is an oral history told from many perspectives around the world. Brad Pitt is playing a U.N. worker gathering stories of the great zombie war, and his Plan B shingle is producing. Mireille Enos (“Big Love”, “The Killing”) will play his wife, a mother of two girls, and Anthony Mackie co-stars.
Look for the Marc Forster-directed adaptation of the Max Brooks zombie infestation novel World War Z in theatres on December 21st, 2012.

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