New THE SINKING CITY Video Delves Deep Into the Investigative Gameplay

A new video for Frogwares upcoming investigative horror game The Sinking City has been released and it’s all about how the investigations within the game work. It’s a fascinating dive into a series of events that must all take place in order to progress the game, such as getting the job, investigating the scene, researching archival evidence, and pursuing suspects. In order to make sure everything is done properly, a lot of attention must be paid.
If taking your time and being meticulous in your actions is “your bag”, I’m thinking The Sinking City is gonna be right up your alley.
“Tortured by his past and otherworldly visions, Charles W. Reed, a private investigator finds himself in Oakmont, Massachusetts, seeking salvation from the creeping insanity that afflicts him. Once a trade harbor, known for its lucrative smuggling business, Oakmont now lives in secluded isolation from the rest of the world, under a flood of supernatural origins. In this place of decay and superstition; players will have to deal with the dregs of mankind, follow clues they wish they had never found, and unveil a cosmic horror threatening the world itself.“
The Sinking City is coming out on PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4 on June 27.
Categorized:Horror Gaming News Videos