DON’T LOOK! There’s a Slasher in a Clown Mask Behind You in Our Exclusive Trailer

A car full of city slickers makes a wrong turn down a rural backroad and… Well, we’ve all heard this story a hundred times before–or have we? For starters, at a time when women are still struggling for the equality and recognition they deserve, Don’t Look is directed by Luciana Faulhaber from a script penned by Jessica Boucher and Danielle Killay. Take that, outdates established patriarchy!

Today, Dread Central is thrilled to exclusively present the trailer for this female-fueled twist on classic slasher motifs. Give it a spin at the top of the article, and look for Don’t Look on VOD and DVD May 14th via Wild Eye Releasing.

Faulhaber says of the film: “It was important for me to create work that shows the female characters as they are in real life – none of us are waiting to be saved by some prince charming.”

In the tradition of classic horror movies, Don’t Look is the story of five friends who leave NYC for a weekend they’ll never forget.

Faulhaber stars in the film alongside Jeff Berg, Jarrod Robbins, Curtis K. Case, Lindsay Eshelman, and Javier E. Gómez.

What do you think of our exclusive trailer for Don’t Look? Are you excited to check it out beginning May 14th? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!



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