40th Anniversary ALIEN Short ALIEN: ORE Available to Watch Now!
In the lead-up to the 4th Annual Alien Day on April 26th (an event that coincides with the original film’s 40th Anniversary), 20th Century Fox has been releasing a series of short fan-made films all set in the universe launched by Ridley Scott in 1979. The most recent one, Alien: Ore, was just released by IGN this morning. Check it out embedded at the top of the article.
Related Article: Everything You Need to Know About ALIEN Day on April 26th
As a hard-working miner of a planet mining colony, Lorraine longs to make a better life for her daughter and grandchildren. When her shift uncovers the death of a fellow miner under mysterious circumstances, Lorraine is forced to choose between escape or defying management orders and facing her fears to fight for the safety of her family.
Alien: Ore is written and directed by the Spear Sisters.
Related Article: ALIEN 40th Anniversary Short NIGHT SHIFT Available to Watch Now
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