Buffy the Vampire Slayer Remake Script Scrapped

The L.A. Times
Interesting news coming out of Hollywood today. It appears that the powers-that-be at Warner Brothers are out to make their Whedonless Buffy the Vampire Slayer as good as it can be, given the fact that they’ve turned down what’s probably a quick payday to wait for something with a bit more quality. If you’re gonna do it, you may as well do it right. Or at least try to.
According to The L.A. Times, two sources close to the project tell the periodical that the script submitted this past summer by writer Whit Anderson fell far short of expectations and, in the end, was rejected completely. A new writer is being sought, but the entire endeavor may have lost some steam.
Kudos for not just crapping one out. The fan base is, we’re sure, very appreciative of that, but the real question here is does anybody really want a remake to begin with? Tell us what you think below!

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