You’ll Dance Your Ass Off During the Huhu Attack!

Undead Backbrain
Just when you thought your afternoon couldn’t possibly kick more ass (or get any stranger for that matter) comes news of a horror flick that explores what would happen if giant worms invaded a production of West Side Story. Are you ready for the Huhu Attack?
This new short flick comes to us from New Zealand director Patrick Gillies, and as you’ll see from the trailer, yes, it’s just as bizarre as you would think that it is.
Thanks to DC reader Avery for the heads-up!
Rural New Zealand, 31st October 1957. A Sputnik satellite crashes into the edge of a forest, irradiating the nearby flora and fauna. When the Army is called in to investigate, their soldiers are inexplicably attacked by a 40-foot high mutant Huhu grub. At the nearest township, two-bit traveling magician, Miles, falls for the charms of his mousy volunteer, Ngaire, whilst putting on a Halloween magic show for the locals. Their blossoming romance is interrupted when the giant Huhu grubs invade, decimating the townsfolk. Knocked unconscious, Miles awakes to find Ngaire nursing him back to health in a makeshift infirmary. Citing Miles’ knowledge of pyrotechnics, she pleads with her reluctant hero to lead the surviving townsfolk in their fight against the man-eating Huhu grubs. However, her faith in him is shattered when local agitator, Derek, arrives with soldiers to accuse Miles of being a Soviet spy, directly responsible for the Huhu grub menace. Armed with supposed proof of his Eastern Bloc origins, the soldiers proceed with their intention to execute Miles. After an impassioned and heart-wrenching plea of innocence, Miles is released and the united community rejoices in its new-found tolerance and enlightenment… but not for long!

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