Fox Releasing 6 Fan Made ALIEN Universe Shorts

Back in 2018, 20th Century Fox put a call out to the Alien franchise’s fans: Create a short film set in the universe launched by Ridley Scott in 1979 as part of the Alien’s 40th Anniversary celebration. Six films were selected as winners, and Fox will be releasing them all as an anthology. When, you ask? “Soon” is as specific as we can get at this point.

Check out the trailer embedded at the top of the article for a sneak peek at all six Alien universe short films.

Considering intrepid filmmakers have been expanding some of our favorite horror franchises for years, it’s a smart move on Fox’s part to tap this potential well-spring of entertainment. We may never get another Alien movie now that Disney owns the franchise, but (hopefully) fans with a knack for filmmaking will keep the Universe alive and thriving—even if none of it can be considered “canonical”.

To celebrate the 40th anniversary of Ridley Scott’s groundbreaking sci-fi horror film Alien (1979), six visionary filmmakers were selected to bring their Alien-inspired stories to life. From terrifying escapes, to Facehuggers and Xenomorphs, these captivating shorts brings forth an exciting new narrative for fans while paying homage to the original film.

What do you think of the trailer for the six Alien Universe shorts collected by Fox? Are you looking forward to seeing the anthology sometime soon? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!



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