The Man Behind the Beast Mock-Doc Rears its Head! A Look at Werebears’ Anton Troy

A couple of weeks ago we interviewed Chillerama‘s Anton Troy and promised to release his anticipated mockumentary, which will surely extend the fun of the Chillerama experience. The moment is now – Dread Central is ready to exclusively premiere the project Anton’s been working on for the last two months with co-creator and friend Roy Tighe.
Horror is familiar ground for newcomer Anton Troy, who also starred in this year’s slasher Filth to Ashes, Flesh to Dust, but the Las Vegas-raised James Dean-esque actor is ready to sink his fangs into some more comedy with Anton Troy, the Man Behind the Beast directed by Roy Tighe, who was dragged by Anton to all the promotional events collecting footage. Together they created a piece that’s based on the idea that one day Troy may turn into Hollywood’s next best thing – all thanks to his tagline “Tastes like chicken, huh, babe?” from Tim Sullivan’s “I Was A Teenage Werebear” segment of Chillerama. We don’t want to give too much away, but there’s a lot to look out for like guest appearances by the likes of horror veterans Kane Hodder, Ray Wise and Lin Shaye; directors Tim Sullivan, Joe Lynch, Adam Green and Adam Rifkin; and Anton’s Chillerama co-star Sean Paul Lockhart, plus more.

According to Troy, “I wanted to expand the fans’ experience of Chillerama; this is our gift to them.”
Watch the exclusive premiere of the mock-doc below our interview with Roy Tighe.
DC: Tell us a little bit about yourself, Roy. How did you start making viral videos and mockumentaries?
Roy Tighe: I’m from a small remote town of 6,000 people in northern Canada called Fort Frances, Ontario. I just couldn’t picture myself married by 20, kids by 25, alcoholic by 30, divorced by 40 and on the verge of suicide by 50 so I left! [Laughs] I attended the Film and Television program at Capilano College in Vancouver, and I eventually started writing and producing my own projects so that I would have my own platform where I could act and create. When Anton and I met to talk about doing this project together, I already had a vision for what I thought we should do. Anton said we need a concept, it can’t just be about him being famous, and I asked what one-liners he said in the movie. He said a few of them, one of which was “Tastes like chicken, huh, babe?” and I was like that’s it! I simply think mockumentaries are funny. The actors have to play a character that is actually a real person like in a documentary. So for me, I find characters funnier in mockumentaries than in traditional comedies because they have more freedom to experience the world that has been created. Everything is being perceived as in the moment, and there are no limits to what the story or character can say or do or what can happen – just like in real life.
DC: What makes a good viral video?
RT: Uh, two girls and one cup… just kidding… I don’t know. I just try to be honest with my work, myself and the fellow people I work with. I try not to worry about what makes things good or not. I just do what I believe is funny and grow from it, good or bad. I stay open-minded throughout the process.
DC: What was your experience like working with Anton on this mockumentary? Was it fun? Was it tiring?
RT: Anton and I worked very well together, and I had a great time working with him on this project. I got to meet the directors of Chillerama and work with other very talented artists like Anton, and that’s something I really enjoy. Of course it was tiring at times. Neither of us were happy with the first cut I put together, and I felt like I let us down. Then we were forced to step away for a week because I had to head back to Vancouver for another shoot, leaving both of us feeling the pressure of time to have the video done on schedule. We were both feeling very stressed and overworked due to multiple projects that I’m currently working on and with Anton so busy promoting Chillerama. But at the end of the day, that week away from our project gave us a nice break to get re-motivated and create something that we’re happy with. We believe we have something the fans will really enjoy. The nice thing about working with Anton is the respect and friendship that we’ve built through this project. I have a great passion for creativity, and it’s refreshing to work with a guy like Anton who shares this passion. He’s the type of guy who is there for his friends and deeply wants the projects he works on to be the best they can. Also, being a young filmmaker witnessing what the directors of Chillerama have done justified for me that hard work and determination pay off when you keep at it. So all and all I definitely had an awesome experience and will hopefully get the chance to work with everyone again in the future.
DC: Should we expect more Anton/Roy collaborations in the future? Do you plan to release unused material from this mockumentary at any point?
RT: Yeah! You should definitely expect more from Anton and me. I think we made a great team on this project, and I personally think he’s a very talented actor. Yes, we talked about releasing unused material as we have so much amazing footage that we couldn’t use because of time restraints, but I guess you’ll have to stay tuned to find out. You can follow Anton and me on Twitter and Facebook or on our websites here and here. Check ’em out to keep up with all our news and future projects.

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