DC’s Vertigo Comics Launching The New Deadwardians

The Vertigo Blog
The new what? The New Deadwardians, an eight-issue comic mini-series written by Dan Abnett with art by newcomer INJ Culbard coming in March, 2012, from Vertigo Comics.
Here’s what Abnett wrote in his original pitch for the series to editor Will Dennis, “May I just confess that this is a story that involves both zombies and vampires, two things I swore I would never write about because they had both long since jumped the shark. Then this idea came to me and wouldn’t leave me alone. Please be tolerant of the zombie-and-vampire-ness of this until you’ve heard me out. It’s essentially a detective story set in an alternate history England, circa 1900.”
Dennis’ reply to the above was, “He’s lucky I read it!” And you will be too!
Set in post-Victorian England, nearly everyone in the upper class has voluntarily become a vampire to escape the lower classes, who are all zombies. Thrust into this mayhem is Chief Inspector George Suttle, a lonely detective who’s got the slowest beat in London: investigating murders in a world where everyone is already dead!
But when the body of a young aristocrat washes up on the banks of the Thames, Suttle’s quest for the truth will take him from the darkest sewers to the gleaming halls of power and reveal the rotten heart at the center of this strange world.

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