Image Entertainment Spreading Rabies in February

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The first ever Israeli horror film, Rabies, is ready to infect U.S. shores, and we have all the details you need to decide whether you’ll receive it with open arms or go get one of those nasty multi-needle shots to the stomach!

From the Press Release
Horror cinema has finally found its new source! On February 28, Image Entertainment introduces Israel’s slasher film debut, Rabies (Kalavet). A festival favorite, garnering rave reviews at the Tribeca 2011 Film Festival and the Fantasia 2011 Film Fest, Rabies features a cast that devotees of Israeli cinema will surely recognize, including Lior Ashenazi (winner, Award of the Israeli Film Academy – Footnote), Ania Bukstein (nominee, Award of the Israeli Film Academy – The Secrets) and Ran Danker (nominee, Award of the Israeli Film Academy – Eyes Wide Open).

Rabies surprises and shocks with its unexpected combination of horror and humor, of paranoia and panic. When a psychotic serial killer is on the loose, his path of rampage crosses paths with Ofer and Tali, a brother and sister combo who have run away from home. But when Tali becomes ensnared in the killer’s trap, it is up to Ofer to find help. Left alone, Tali soon becomes mixed up with an unlikely group of characters, ranging from a set of tennis players to a squad of policemen. All the while they continue to be stalked by the murderer – and when this assassin’s identity is finally revealed, it turns out to be the biggest shock of all!

Image Entertainment Spreading Rabies in February

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